Blog Tour 2012: They Say That The Road Ain't No Place To Start A Family
Book tours. They're so 20th century.
Once upon an uncivilized lifetime ago -- i.e. that prehistoric era before the internet -- authors hit the road to promote their work. Today, however, traditional book tours, unless you're either a best-selling author or a celebrity, are becoming almost obsolete. Brick-and-mortar bookstores are closing at tragically alarming rates, as book lovers have increasingly taken to sites like Amazon to either order books, or have them delivered electronically to their Kindle in less time than it takes to open up a wallet. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads now provide authors of modest means a tremendous opportunity to expand their marketing reach.
Oh, and yeah, the larger the book tour, the more money it costs. And over the past few years, the publishing world doesn't really have too much cash to toss around.
So where can an author turn here in 2012 to introduce themselves to new readers?
Here is where:

The Blog Tour.
13 blogs and 13 reviews over a span of 21 days.
One week from today, my novel -- and by extension, my silly authorial ego -- stand before the judges like a small-town teen lookin' to make it to Hollywood Week on Idol. And am I nervous about this?
Yup. Definitely.
But I'm also incredibly fired up about it, because this all we authors can ask for -- a chance to connect with new readers. So over the next few weeks, thanks to the totally awesome Samantha at CLP Blog Tours, I get to go on a book tour from the comfort of my very own home.
Which really works for me in terms of gas money and hotel bills.
Plus, at just six months old, our little one is still probably a few months away from a good ol' cross-country road trip. Even if the trip is to help keep him swimming in stuffed critters & squeaky toys.
At some of these Blog Tour stops, I've been given the stage to contribute a guest post or an author interview, so please do follow along, because I can promise big laughs directly at my expense! All you'll need to do is just click on the banner above to know where I'll be along the Tour. Or alternately, you can follow along on my Facebook Page.
So Happy New Year to everyone who's been keeping up with me over the last six months of Air Atwell mayhem! My novel and I are hoping for even bigger air here in 2012, and I'm excited to continue sharing everything we encounter along the way.
Even the turbulence.
But don't worry -- even though I've never taken a single flight lesson, I totally think I can still get this plane down in one piece.
I mean Ferris Bueller never had an oboe lesson either, and he sounded pretty awesome, so...
Cool. I look forward to it :)
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to host this for you Erik! Can't wait to see all the reviews - does that make your stomach flip ;)
ReplyDeleteAwesome, Erik! You know I've been a fan from the get go, so it is wonderful to hear that you'll be getting to expand the Air Zoe audience! Looking forward to following along!!!!
ReplyDeleteAll the best!
Thanks, June & Lisa -- I so totally appreciate your support!
ReplyDeleteAnd Samantha -- Most definitely makes my stomach flip. AND flop. ;) Thanks for your incredible work putting this tour together for me!